Phone Interviews: More than meets the Ear

Phone Interviews: More than meets the Ear

Your resume is flawless, your cover letter impeccable and your credentials have earned you an interview; a phone interview, that is. Many companies are now using this method of interviewing to decide if a candidate is worth spending the time and money to get to know better and some even use it for final interviews.…

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Why Human Capital Is Your Company’s Greatest Asset

Why Human Capital Is Your Company’s Greatest Asset

Human capital is an asset consisting of the knowledge and skills held by a person that can be used by an organization to advance its goals. Many companies don’t understand why human capital is such an asset to their company. To ignore the importance of this asset is to risk moving your company forward. While machines,…

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What’s Killing Your Productivity?

Multi Tasking

One goal of any organization is to increase revenue. In order to do that, companies need to be productive. Therefore, attention needs to be given in hiring individuals who can be consistently productive, contributing to the success of their organization. There are several factors that contribute to keeping your workers productive. This article will take…

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Importance of Team Building


Team building activities are some of the most useful ways to form a trusting, cohesive environment in the workplace; they are also frequently overlooked and underutilized. Organizations could significantly improve the culture and day to day working of their team members, by investing time and resources in strengthening their relationships. The following are just a…

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How to Use LinkedIn Effectively

How to Use LinkedIn Effectively

LinkedIn has become one of the biggest social media sites when looking for careers and quality candidates. This could be a great vehicle to help you land your dream job or it could also be what causes you to lose it. Here are some tips to help your LinkedIn profile characterize you as the professional…

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How to Avoid Mismanaging Your Employees

How to Avoid Mismanaging Your Employees

Though many people overlook this part of a manager’s job description, talent retention is a big part it. Keeping quality hires should be on the minds of supervisors on a daily basis. Study after study shows the top reasons employees leave their jobs are due to variables that can be controlled by proper management. Whether…

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How to Communicate Effectively During an Interview

How to Communicate Effectively During an Interview

A well thought out resume is the first step to making a great impression on a potential employer. Having the right experience, education, and references help your resume get noticed and in turn, help you land an interview. However, the way you communicate during that interview, goes a long way in supporting the credentials you…

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Interview Questions to Help Find Quality Hires

Interview Questions to Help Find Quality Hires

Interview questions need to be developed so the answers provide a company the necessary information to decide if the potential hire will be a good fit. The candidate’s job experience, background, interpersonal skills and professionalism all need to be revealed during the interview. If the right questions aren’t asked, you could miss out on valuable…

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